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The Waitsburg School District is asking voters for a three-year levy that would raise $200,000 each of its three years - 2026, 2027 and 2028. The levy would help pay for improved safety and security throughout the school district, as well as technology needs.
The proposed levy rate would is $0.80/$1,000 of assessed property value.
The owner of a $100,000 property would pay approximately $80 per year, which works out to $6.67 a month or $0.22 a day.
One of the needed improvements the levy would help fund is the addition of camera systems to both the interior and exterior of the school buildings.
Camera systems would help protect students and staff and help to deter potential threats, such as unauthorized intruders, vandalism and theft.
In addition to adding cameras, the district would need to make infrastructure improvements with wiring to power the proposed camera systems.
Another security need is the addition of an access control system to the link area between the Waitsburg High School gym and the cage. Secure access points help make the entire building more safe.
During the pandemic, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds made it possible as well as necessary for the district to provide 1 to 1 devices for all of its students. The ESSER funds are no longer available, thus the district must assume the cost of maintaining and replacing these student-used devices.
Being able to keep up with advancing technology is important in preparing our students for their future. Having these devices gives Waitsburg students equitable access to technology and leads to the development of good digital citizens who are being prepared for an ever changing technological society.