Frequently Asked Questions
The Waitsburg School District is asking voters for a three-year levy that would raise $200,000 each of its three years - 2026, 2027 and 2028. The levy would help pay for improved safety and security throughout the school district, as well as technology needs.
A levy is a local property tax passed by voters of a school district that generates revenue to fund programs and services that the state does not pay for as part of basic education. This proposed capital levy would go to pay directly for improvements to the district's security system and its technology needs.
Q: How much would this levy cost voters?
A: The proposed levy rate is 80¢ per $1,000 of assessed property value. That means the owner of a $100,000 property would pay approximately $80 per year, which works out to $6.67 a month or $0.22 a day.
Q: What exactly would the levy pay for?
A: The levy would pay for the addition of camera systems on the interior and exterior of the school buildings, as well as the wiring infrastructure needed to install the system. The levy would also pay to add an access control system to the link area between the Waitsburg High School gym and the cage. It would also help cover the cost of maintaining the district's technology, including the 1 to 1 devices the district provides all of its students.
Q: How many votes does the measure need to pass?
A: Levies need a 50 percent plus 1 majority to pass.
Q: When do we vote?
A: Ballots will begin to arrive in mailboxes around April 4, and Election Day is Tuesday, April 22, 2025. That means all ballots need to be either postmarked no later than April 22, or placed in the ballot drop box outside the Waitsburg City Hall by 8 p.m. on April 22.
Q: Is there a tax break for senior citizens?
A: Yes! Washington State law provides two tax benefit programs for senior citizens and individuals who are disabled: property tax exemptions and property tax deferrals. For more information on qualifications, please contact the Walla Walla County Assessor’s Office at 509-524-2560, or the Columbia County Assessor at 509-382-2131