Public Notices

Federal and state laws require school districts to publish certain annual notifications to their community. Click on any of the public notices in this page's menu list to read these notifications for Waitsburg School District. If you have any questions or would like further information on public notices, please contact the District Office at 509-337-6301.

ARP-ESSER III Spending Plans

ASB Funds

Associated Student Body (ASB) funds are public monies raised on behalf of students and used for optional extra-curricular events of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature. In general, carryover amounts from one year to another are due to anticipated expenditures for student activities which take more than a year of fundraising. These funds are not available for curricular or graded student activities.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

In compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986, Waitsburg School District has contracted with Environmental Protection Agency accredited personnel and has completed AHERA inspections and management plans for all school district buildings. The inspection discovered potential non-friable ASBESTOS CONTAINING BUILDING MATERIALS in school district buildings. NON-FRIABLE ACBM is being regulated in accordance with all federal and state laws. All friable and non-friable ASBM discovered during the inspections are recorded in the Asbestos Management Plan, which is available for review in the Waitsburg School District office during regular office hours. Please direct all inquiries regarding the Asbestos Management Plan to the Superintendent in the District Office at 509-337-6301.

Drug and Alcohol Free Schools

The Waitsburg School District prohibits using, possessing, transmitting alcohol, illegal and/or controlled substances including marijuana (cannabis) and anabolic steroids in any amount or in any manner on district property at any time or when involved in a school district activity on or off school district property. Compliance with these standards is mandatory. The School District complies with all local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to alcohol and illegal and/or controlled substances including marijuana (cannabis) and anabolic steroids. In addition, the district complies with the regulations of both the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. Students unlawfully possessing, using, or distributing illegal and/or controlled substances including marijuana (cannabis) and anabolic steroids or alcohol on school premises, designated school bus stops, or as a part of any school activity will be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Students dealing with problems related to illegal and/or controlled substances including marijuana (cannabis) and anabolic steroids or alcohol can seek help. Information is available from a school counselor or principal.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

ESSA is the law that guides the use of federal funding in states, districts, and schools across the nation. This law works to shine a light on performance gaps between student groups that persist in our schools. It was designed to help school districts provide programs for eligible schools, students, teachers, and families to raise the academic achievement of struggling learners and address complex challenges. In addition to foundational supports, some schools receive Tiers I, II, or III support. This school designation is based on how well students perform on state testing.

One of the key changes in the plan is to provide more flexibility and support to schools. Under ESSA, our freedom to help students has been greatly expanded. We can use evidence-based strategies that will address the unique needs of our students to help all our students succeed.

Washington’s ESSA Plan outlines initiatives to attract and retain effective educators. Additionally, the state schools superintendent will identify more schools that have gaps in student performance between student groups. With this identification comes targeted funding and other supports to help reduce and eventually eliminate those gaps.

Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA protects the privacy of student education records and gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. FERPA permits parents/guardians of students to:

  1. Inspect and review the student’s education records;

  2. Request that the school correct the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other’s rights;

  3. Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records except to the extent that the act and regulations in this part authorize disclosure without consent; and

  4. File with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint under Section 99.64 concerning alleged failures by the school or the district to comply with the requirements of the act and their part.

Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent in order to release any information from a student’s education record. Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. If you do not want your student’s directory information disseminated, please contact the Waitsburg School District Office, in writing, requesting directory information be kept confidential.

Student records shall be released to another school district where the student has enrolled or intends to enroll, upon official request from the district. At the time of transfer of records, the parent/guardian/custodian or adult-age student may receive a copy of the records at his/her expense, if requested, and shall have an opportunity to challenge the contents of the records.

For more information about Waitsburg School District Policy regarding student records please contact the district office and reference Policy Number 3231.

Firearms or Dangerous Weapons Prohibited

It is a violation of district policy and state and federal law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation, or non-school facilities when being used for school activities (RCW 9.41.250 and RCW 9.41.2880).

School officials will promptly notify the student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of this policy. Students who violate this policy will be subject to discipline, including a one-year expulsion for a violation involving a firearm. However, the superintendent may modify the one-year expulsion on a case-by-case basis. 

Highly Capable

The Washington Legislature passed a bill mandating that all schools must provide a Highly Capable Program for students who qualify. Waitsburg parents, students, teachers, and community members knowledgeable of a student’s abilities may nominate individual students to be considered for our program.  If you think your child would qualify for the Highly Capable Program (testing in the 90th percentile or above), you may nominate him/her for the program.  Nomination forms are available by request in our school office or you may contact Interim Superintendent Dr. Carol Clarke at 509-337-6301 ext. 1104.

Homeless Students

The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law that assures children and youth who do not have permanent housing are provided full and equal access to the same free, appropriate public education and activities as provided to other children and youth.  Students who become homeless may receive assistance to enroll and remain in school, along with other assistance, including coordination of free and reduced meal status, arranging transportation services, community resource referrals (shelters, medical services, etc.), community connections (free meals, food banks, clothing banks, etc., scholarship opportunities, FASFA verification for college-bound McKinney-Vento students, school materials, and personal care items. If you become aware of students who may qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Act or if your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the Waitsburg School District counselor, Rosy Nechodom at 509-337-6301 ext. 1135.

Homeschooling Declaration

In compliance with state law (RCW 28A.225.010), any parent who intends to cause his/her child or children to receive home-based instruction in lieu of attendance or enrollment in a public school, approved private school, or an extension program of an approved private school, must file an annual declaration of intent to do so by September 15, or within two weeks of the beginning of the public school semester. Parents living within the Waitsburg School District may request this form from Becky Dunn at 509-337-6301 ext. 1101.


In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, Washington law requires that the official, up-to-date Washington State Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) be on file for every student enrolled in the district. On or before the first day of attendance, all students must present or have on file a signed and dated Certificate of Immunization. To learn more, please visit the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) website at

Individuals with Disabilities and Special Education

Waitsburg School District provides a variety of programs and services for students with disabilities. Special Education teachers, a school psychologist, a speech and language pathologist, a physical therapist, and an occupational therapist are all members of building-level multidisciplinary teams. These teams, along with regular education teachers, counselors, and administrators develop appropriate programs to meet the needs of disabled students.

Parents and community members may review, upon request, policies and procedures, evaluations, budgets, and services related to the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Part B programs. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Carol Clarke at 509-337-6301 ext. 1104.

Special Education Support Center: The Special Education Support Center provides information and support to families, educators and community members who want to understand more about special education services. The link is

Child Find Program

Our district operates a Child Find program to identify, locate and evaluate all children from infancy to age 21 residing in our district boundaries who need special education and related services. If you would like more information, or if you know of any families with children that may be eligible for services, we encourage you to contact Interim Superintendent Dr. Carol Clarke at 509-337-6301 ext. 1104. If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are currently staying for more information.

Life-Threatening Health Conditions

Does Your Student Have a Life-Threatening Health Condition? Washington State law (SHB 2834) mandates that students with life-threatening health conditions (where the condition would put the child in danger of death during the school day) have medication or treatment orders, prescribed medication and a health plan in place in order to attend school. Life-threatening conditions include asthma, severe bee sting or food allergies, diabetes, epilepsy and certain heart conditions (and others). Students in middle school and high school wanting to self-carry or self-administer medication (i.e. inhaler, epi-pen, insulin) are required to provide treatment orders and have parent permission. If your child has a life-threatening health condition, please Contact Stacy Schwarz, the school nurse, at, to make an appointment to review your student’s health plan and paperwork.

Medication at School

Under normal circumstances, prescribed and over-the-counter medication should be given before or after school hours under supervision of the parent or guardian. If your student must receive medication at school, the parent/guardian must submit a written signed authorization with a current order from the health care provider and the unexpired medication in the original labeled packaging. Required forms are Authorization for Administration of Medication at School (available as printable PDF here) and Life-Threatening Conditions (included in student registration packets). Forms are available at each school office and on the district website.

Please note: the top portion of the Authorization for Administration of Medication at School must be completed by your student’s health care provider.  Forms are to be returned to the school office one to two weeks prior to the first day of school. Parents/guardians have been contacted by the school nurse to review this information and develop a health care plan. If your child requires medication at school, please contact Stacy Schwarz via email at or you may contact the school district office at 509-337-6301.

Non-discrimination Statement

Waitsburg School District #401-100 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Dr. Carol Clarke at 509-337-6301 ext. 1104 or Title IX Officer, Joe Wirtzberger at 509-337-6351 ext. 3117.

Complaint Options: Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

If you believe that you or your child have experienced unlawful discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment at school, you have the right to file a complaint.

Before filing a complaint, you can discuss your concerns with your child’s principal or with the school district’s Section 504 Coordinator, Title IX Officer, or Civil Rights Coordinator, who are listed above. This is often the fastest way to revolve your concerns.

Complaint to the School District

Step 1. Write Our Your Complaint

In most cases, complaints must be filed within one year from the date of the incident or conduct that is the subject of the complaint. A complaint must be in writing. Be sure to describe the conduct or incident, explain why you believe discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment has taken place, and describe what actions you believe the district should take to resolve the problem. Send your written complaint—by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery—to the district superintendent or civil rights compliance coordinator.

Step 2: School District Investigates Your Complaint

Once the district receives your written complaint, the coordinator will give you a copy of the complaint procedure and make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The superintendent or designee will respond to you in writing within 30 calendar days—unless you agree on a different time period. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that demand a lengthier investigation, the district will notify you in writing to explain why staff need a time extension and the new date for their written response.

Step 3: School District Responds to Your Complaint

In its written response, the district will include a summary of the results of the investigation, a determination of whether or not the district failed to comply with civil rights laws, notification that you can appeal this determination, and any measures necessary to bring the district into compliance with civil rights laws. Corrective measures will be put into effect within 30 calendar days after this written response—unless you agree to a different time period. 

Appeal to the School District

If you disagree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal to the school district’s board of directors. You must file a notice of appeal in writing to the secretary of the school board within 10 calendar days after you received the school district’s response to your complaint. The school board will schedule a hearing within 20 calendar days after they received your appeal unless you agree on a different timeline. The school board will send you a written decision within 30 calendar days after the district received your notice of appeal. The school board’s decision will include information about how to file a complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

Complaint to OSPI

If you do not agree with the school district’s appeal decision, state law provides the option to file a formal complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This is a separate complaint process that can take place if one of these two conditions has occurred: (1) you have completed the district’s complaint and appeal process, or (2) the district has not followed the complaint and appeal process correctly.

You have 20 calendar days to file a complaint to OSPI from the day you received the decision on your appeal. You can send your written complaint to the Equity and Civil Rights Office at OSPI:

  • Email: ǀ Fax: 360-664-2967

  • Mail or hand deliver: PO Box 47200, 600 Washington St. S.E., Olympia, WA 98504-7200

  • For more information, visit our website, or contact OSPI’s Equity and Civil Rights Office at 360-725-6162/TTY: 360-664-3631 or by e-mail at

Other Discrimination Complaint Options

Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO) Services Available

The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO) is an independent state agency that helps to reduce educational opportunity gaps by supporting families, students, educators, and other stakeholders in communities across WA in understanding the K-12 school system and resolving concerns collaboratively. OEO services are free and confidential. Anyone can contact OEO with a question or concern about school. OEO listens, shares information and referrals, and works informally with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. To get help or learn more about what OEO does, please visit our website:; email, or call: 1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available).

Parent Involvement

The Waitsburg School District promotes the involvement of parents and other family members in the educational programs of their children. The district seeks to establish partnerships with parents and community members to encourage literacy, service, participation, and communication. Information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and activities is available in alternative formats, upon request. Please refer to District Policies 4129 and 4130 (as required by Title I Part A).

Pesticide Notification

In accordance with the 2001 legislation HB 1451, school districts are required to notify the public of our pest control and herbicide use. At least 48 hours before the application of a pesticide to school grounds or facilities, the District will notify interested parents/guardians and employees of the planned application in writing. This pre-notification is not required in the case of an emergency application of pesticide, such as an application to control stinging insects, but full notification shall be made as soon as possible after the application. Pre-notification is not required if the facility grounds or building will not be occupied by students for two days following the application.

Anyone interested in receiving these notifications may contact Brian Segraves at 509-337-6301 ext. 3400.

Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

Waitsburg School District is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteers, and patrons that is free from harassment, intimidation and bullying. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional written message or image—including those that are electronically transmitted—verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act: physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.”

Complaints regarding harassment, intimidation or bullying are addressed through Policy and Procedure 3205. Individuals, who believe they have been the victim of harassment, intimidation, or bullying, or know of such an incident, may contact the school principal. If the complaint is not resolved following an investigation, the school principal will forward the complaint to the District’s Compliance Officer for further investigation. Please report harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Title IX Officer, Joe Wirtzberger at 509-337-6351 ext. 3117.

Public Meeting Notice

The public is invited to attend Waitsburg School District public meetings.  If you require any reasonable accommodation to enable you to attend/and or participate, please contact Rosy Nechodom, the District’s Section 504/ADA coordinator, at 509-337-6301, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Public Records Requests

Within five business days of receipt of the request (day one is the first working day after the request is received), the District will:

  • Acknowledge that the district has received the request and provide a reasonable estimate of the time the district will require to respond to the request; or

  • Make the records available for inspection or copying; or

  • Identify an internet location where the record can be accessed. Requesters who cannot access the internet may be provided hard copies or access to a district terminal to access the record; or

  • If copies are requested and payment of a deposit for the copies (if any) is made, or terms of payment are agreed upon, send the copies to the requester; or

  • Provide a reasonable estimate of when records will be available; or

  • If the requestor is unclear or does not sufficiently identify the requested records, the district may request clarification. The public records officer or designee may revise the estimate of when records will be available based on any clarification received; or

  • Deny the public record request with a written statement as to why it is being withheld and a citation of the specific exemption (RCW) that applies.

Costs for Public Records

Refer to the Public Records Request Fee Schedule for detailed information regarding the recent changes. Waitsburg School District will charge for copies of records consistent with the fee schedule established in RCW 42.56.120(2):

  • Fifteen (15) cents per page for photocopies of public records, printed copies of electronic public records when requested by the person requesting records, or for the use of agency equipment to photocopy public records;

  • Ten (10) cents per page for public records scanned into an electronic format or for the use of agency equipment to scan the records;

  • Five (5) cents per each four electronic files or attachment uploaded to email, cloud-based data storage service, or other means of electronic delivery; and

  • Ten (10) cents per gigabyte for the transmission of public records in an electronic format or for the use of agency equipment to send the records electronically. The agency shall take reasonable steps to provide the records in the most efficient manner available to the agency in its normal operations; and

  • The cost of any digital storage media or device provided by the agency, the cost of any container or envelope used to mail the copies to the requestor, and the cost of any postage or delivery charge.

How to Submit a Public Records Request


Please include your contact information, detailed information on the records you seek, and how you wish to receive the records. Download the Records Request form below and then email the completed form as an attachment to:
Please indicate on the subject line: Public Records Request along with your first & last name.
OR print the public record request form and submit it by:


Waitsburg School District
Attn: Dr. Carol Clarke, Public Records Officer
PO Box 217
Waitsburg, WA 99361


Waitsburg School District
184 Academy Street
Waitsburg, WA 99361

Hours of Inspection

District records must be inspected at the Waitsburg School District Building, located at 184 Academy Street in Waitsburg. Public records are made available for inspection and copying during normal business hours of the district, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., excluding District holidays. The district may adopt modified business hours during June-August.

Teacher Qualifications

Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. Information regarding years taught, degrees earned, highly qualified teaching status, or extra certifications/certificates may be requested from the building principal. All instructional paraprofessionals are directly supervised by a certified teacher and meet highly qualified status in the Waitsburg School District.  If you are interested in this information, please contact the school for more information about the teachers who are teaching your children. 

Use of Tobacco, Nicotine Products & Delivery Devices

Tobacco products and delivery devices include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, electronic smoking/vapor devices, “vapor pens,” non-prescribed inhalers, nicotine delivery devices or chemicals that are not FDA-approved to help people quit using tobacco, devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other smoking equipment, device, material or innovation.  Possession by, or distribution of tobacco products and delivery devices to minors is prohibited. This will include all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles.  The use of Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved nicotine replacement therapy in the form of a nicotine patch, gum or lozenge is permitted. However, students and employees must follow applicable policies regarding use of medication at school. See District Policy No.5201.

Website Accessibility

Waitsburg School District is committed to providing access to all individuals, with or without disabilities, seeking information on our website. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires that all individuals with disabilities have access to and use of information and data, comparable to that provided to individuals without disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on us. If, because of a disability, you are unable to access content on the District’s website, have questions about the accessibility of content or technology used by the District, and/or would like to report barriers to accessing any information on this website, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 509-337-6301.

Throughout this website, we make use of different third party websites, PDFs, and applications to provide information about our district and to connect students, staff, and families to various educational resources and services. These PDFs, applications and sites, which are not controlled by Waitsburg School District, may present challenges for individuals with disabilities that we are not able to control or remedy.