Lead Bus Driver/Transportation Supervisor - Pam Alexenko

221 Willard Street Waitsburg, WA 99361
Phone: 509-337-6301 EXT. 3400
Fax: 509-337-6042
For schedule and route information contact the Transportation Department.

Type II Driver Authorization
Authorization is required for anyone that needs to transport students in a district vehicle. Type II credentials are only required for planned events and non-emergency situations. Note: It is acceptable for a staff member to transport a student home due to illness without Type II authorization.
Type 2 Requirements
Authorization requires staff to meet and continue to meet the following requirements:
Hold a valid Washington State Driver’s License (Current license must remain on file)
Be certified in First Aid/CPR (Current copy must remain on file)
Submit a current driver’s abstract for the past 5 years
Complete an Annual Disclosure Statement (Renew annually)
Pass F. B. I. and Washington State Patrol Criminal record checks (A requirement met for all WSD employees)
Complete the online training through SafeSchools
If you are new to the district, you will be issued a Waitsburg School District email address. Once created, you will be assigned a SafeSchools account and will need to log in and complete the following training videos:
Defensive Driving (21 min)
Distracted Driving (14 min)
City Driving (17 min)
Winter Driving (17 min)
Van Safety (28 min)
Once complete, please send in all required forms to the Transportation Office, Attn: Transportation Director. Do not send any credentials before you complete the training. Once approved, your name will be added to the list of authorized Type 2 drivers. This list is checked before authorization to drive students is issued. Your authorization will remain current as long as you keep your credentials current with the Transportation Department.
Required Documentation
Please submit a copy of each of the following required documents to the Transportation Office:
Current Driver’s License (if you renew please send an updated copy to the Transportation Department)
Annual Disclosure Statement (Needs to be done annually and sent to the Transportation Department)
Current First Aid/CPR (When you renew, please send the current copy to the Transportation Department)
Disqualifying Factors
No person shall be authorized as a Type 2 driver who (WAC 392-144-103):
In the preceding five-year period, has been convicted or cited by lawful authority, (except those citations which a court or authorized administrative agency has found the applicant to be “not guilty” of), for violation of law involving hit and run driving, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics or dangerous drugs, reckless driving or negligent driving.
Has had his/her driving license privilege suspended or revoked by a court or authorized agency in the preceding five-year period.
Upon receiving his/her abstract, a “Failure to Appear”, will result in not being employed until this is removed by court action.
Persons who have been convicted of driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, or negligent driving will be subject to termination.
Persons whose abstracts reflect “Failure to Appear,” have thirty days to have it removed by court action. Failure to have this done will subject the driver to termination of employment.
Renewing your Type 2 License
If you have completed the training through Waitsburg School District Transportation Department, your name will be on the list of authorized Type 2 Drivers. This list is checked before authorization to drive students is issued. If your driver’s license changes, such as your address, or you had to renew your license, please send your updated information to the Transportation Department to remain current.