Small group registration for returning students will be held on the following days:
6th Grade - August 19th
7th Grade - August 20th
8th Grade - August 21st
9th Grade - August 25th
10th Grade - August 26th
11th Grade - August 27th
12th Grade - August 28th
In order to complete the small group registrations, we have assigned each student/parent a date, time, and location to meet with staff. These dates/ times have been mailed to each family. We will need both a parent/ guardian and the student to attend the registration appointment.
At your small group registration, we will complete the following:
- Update addresses, phone numbers and email addresses
- Complete other school registration forms such as request for school nurse appointments if needed
- We will review your student’s class schedule and discuss each class and the staff that will teach your student
- Handout the school calendar
- Review parent and student access to Skyward. We use Skyward to record student grades and attendance
- Review students’ access to their school email account
- Chromebooks will be checked out