Grades 6 Thru 12
What to Expect on Your First Day Back on Campus
- Please do not arrive on campus before 8:00 a.m.
- The doors to Preston Hall and Waitsburg High School will be locked.
- At 8:00 a.m. – a staff member will be at the front door of WHS to admit students in to the building one at a time. Students should be prepared to stand in line, using social distance protocol while waiting for admittance.
- Students must have a school appropriate mask on.
- Students will be asked if they have any COVID symptoms.
- Student temperatures will be taken and recorded.
- After students are admitted into the building, they must go directly to their first period class.
- At 8:00 a.m. – a staff member will be at the Preston Hall door to admit students in to the building one at a time. Note: students will not be allowed to use the blacktop area before school. Students should be prepared to stand in line, using social distance protocol while waiting for admittance.
- If a student has a fever or any COVID symptoms, they will be escorted to an isolation room located in the Elementary School Music Room. Parents will be notified and arrangements for the student to exit campus will be made.
- We will not be using student lockers at WHS or student cubbies at PH. Students may have backpacks in the classrooms.
- If your students have a fitness class, the locker rooms will not be available. Students will participate in their school clothes unless they have brought other clothing to change in to; additionally, shoes will not be stored at the school so your students will need to consider their shoes and if they need to bring a pair to change in to based on their preference.
- School begins at 8:30
- Breakfast is free and will be brought to each 1st period classroom for students to eat in class. Class instruction for 1st period will pause for a brief period while students enjoy their breakfast.
- Students at PH and WHS will have 5 classes each day.
- At Preston Hall - students will use the West stairway to ascend the stairs to enter classrooms between classes and the East stairway to descend the stairs to enter classrooms between classes. At WHS – students will use the West stairway to ascend the stairs to enter classrooms between classes and the North stairway to descend the stairs to enter classrooms between classes.
- Mask breaks are allowed when needed. Students should communicate their need for a break to their teacher and then they can exit the classroom for a brief period of time to stand near the classroom and remove their mask as needed.
- Cell phones will need to be in turned off and in student pockets or backpacks or placed face down on tables and desks during instruction. Please remember that classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 75 minutes in length and if you need to have immediate contact with your student it will be best to call the office at each building and a message can be taken to your student.
- Students are asked to bring their Chromebooks to school. If your student does not have a Chromebook, we can check a Chromebook out to them. If your students have a personal iPad or laptop and they prefer to use their own device, they will need to bring that device to school with them each day that they are on campus.
- Water fountains will be turned off. Disposable water bottles will be available to students. The water bottle refilling machine will be on at the WHS gym and can be used by students that wish to use their own water bottle.
- Lunch: please note that Lunch is free to all students. A sign- up sheet will be available for PH and WHS students each morning. Students are encouraged to sign-up for lunch at this time.
- Preston Hall students will walk to the multi-purpose room for lunch – like last year. PH students will be the only students in the multi-purpose room at this time. PH students will be able to use the blacktop and outside areas around Preston Hall for the last 10 minutes of lunch but will need to continue to wear masks and observe social distance protocol. Note: students can take off their masks for brief moments if they remove themselves from the other students.
- Preston Hall students will still be able to go home for lunch. A parent note is required. Students must go directly home and cannot have other students go with them.
- Waitsburg High School students will have lunch delivered to them in the cage area of the high school. Tables have been placed in the cage and link areas of the high school to allow for social distancing while eating. Students may also picnic outside near the high school in areas near the tree, front lawn, and picnic tables.
- Waitsburg High School students will still be able to go home for lunch – like last year.
- School ends at 3:00 p.m.
We are excited to welcome your students back to campus! Group A students will return Monday, October 5 and Tuesday, October 6. Group B students will return Thursday, October 8 and Friday, October 9.