Waitsburg Elementary
What to Expect on Your First Day Back on Campus
- Please do not arrive on campus before 8:00 a.m.
- The doors to Waitsburg Elementary will be locked.
- At 8:00 a.m. – two staff members will be at the front door of Waitsburg Elementary to admit 1st-5th grade students into the building two at a time. Students should be prepared to stand in line, using social distance protocol while waiting for admittance. We have painted cardinal feet on the ground 6 feet apart to help students social distance. Preschool and Kindergarten students will be screened by their teachers on the west side of the building outside their classrooms.
- Students must have a school appropriate mask on.
- Students will be asked if they have any COVID symptoms.
- Student temperatures will be taken and recorded.
- After students are admitted into the building, they must go directly to the MPR if they are eating breakfast or to their classroom if they have eaten at home.
- If a student has a fever or any COVID symptoms, they will be escorted to an isolation room located in the Elementary School Music Room. Parents will be notified and arrangements for the student to be picked up will be made.
- Free breakfast will be served from 8:00-8:30 in the MPR.
- School begins at 8:30.
- Mask breaks are allowed when needed. Students should communicate their need for a break to their teacher and then they can exit the classroom for a brief period of time to stand near the classroom and remove their mask as needed.
- Students are asked to keep their Chromebooks at home until further notice.
- Water fountains will be turned off. Disposable water bottles will be available to students. If you choose to send your child with their own water bottle, they can refill it in their classrooms when needed.
- Lunch: Please note that Lunch is free to all students. Elementary students will eat lunch at individual desks in the MPR 6 feet apart from each other.
- School ends at 3:00 p.m. Buses will depart shortly after.
- If you need to pick up a student during the school day you must call the office at 509-337-6461. We will have your student meet you outside the main doors.
- If you would like to meet with at teacher or principal, you must make an appointment beforehand. The building will remain closed to the public for the safety of students and staff.
We are excited to welcome your students back to campus! Group A students will return Monday, October 5th and Tuesday, October 6th. Group B students will return Thursday, October 8th and Friday, October 9th.