Waitsburg students and families can expect some big changes beginning next week! First, beginning Monday, May 17th, Waitsburg students may choose to wear face coverings while they are OUTSIDE for recess or PE, while still maintaining social distance guidelines set forth by the Governor's office and DOH/OSPI. This does not affect INDOOR face-covering protocols.
Secondly, two big announcements impacting schools and all Washington residents were issued on May 13th. The first announcement came from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the Department of Health as they released their guidance for K-12 schools for SUMMER 2021 and the 2021-2022 school year. The second announcement was made by Governor Inslee regarding mask wearing and our state’s scheduled reopening date.
Please note that fully vaccinated individuals are still required to wear masks and follow social distancing rules where required by federal, state, and local rules and regulations. Therefore, all Waitsburg school staff, students, and visitors must continue to wear masks and follow the current social distancing requirements. We must continue to adhere to those mitigating strategies set forth by DOH and OSPI until further notice.
School Requirement Updates:
- Schools are still required to follow these mandatory mitigation measures: face coverings, ventilation, cleaning and disinfecting, and responding to and reporting COVID-19 cases.
- Physical distancing is recommended by DOH – 3 feet in classrooms, and 6 feet elsewhere – “to the greatest extent possible.”
- School related and sponsored extracurricular activities, including field trips, performing arts, and sports, must follow all relevant Healthy Washington: Roadmap to Recovery guidance.
- All Washington K-12 schools must provide full time in-person school at the start of the 2021-22 school year.
- Each school district will determine whether it will provide a remote learning option for interested students/families. Waitsburg School District is currently evaluating this option for next year.
Updated Requirements from the Governor:
- All counties in Washington will move to Phase 3 of the Healthy WA: Roadmap to Recovery reopening plan effective May 18 until June 30. (Counties retain local authority to change phasing if necessary.)
- WA State is set to reopen by June 30
- The state can open sooner if vaccination initiation reaches 70% of eligible residents
- WA State will fully adopt the updated CDC masking guidance, which allows fully vaccinated individuals to resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. (Schools still require masks and distancing per OSPI/DOH.)
This is a great step forward for our schools and community. Please continue to watch for updates from our district as more information becomes available. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact our district office with any questions.