Hello Families!
As with years past, Kindergarten will have a gradual beginning to school. The first few days will consist of student-teacher-parent meetings so I can get to know your child and see what they know before we begin school whole-heartedly. These meetings will consist of your child, you, and myself. We will talk about your child’s likes, dislikes, strengths, and areas for growth. We will also go over important details like after school plans and snacks, and discuss classroom and academic expectations.
I will do some simple assessments for your child so I know what they know coming into class. These assessments will also help me get moving forward with our annual state WAKids assessments that all full-day Kindergarten classes within the state must complete. These evaluations are exhaustive, including everything from students' understanding of letters and numbers to their social skills and reasoning capabilities. Getting to know your child one-on-one helps me make accurate judgements without the distraction of other students. These meetings are very important, and I cannot wait to see you all beginning the week of September 7th!
First week of Kindergarten schedule:
- Tuesday, September 7 - Student-Teacher-Parent Meetings (parents should check ClassTag for dates and times available)
- Wednesday, September 8 - Student-Teacher-Parent Meetings
- Thursday, September 9 - ½ Day for Kindergarten from 8:30-noon, then Student-Teacher-Parent Meetings in the afternoon
- Friday, September 10 - ½ Day for Kindergarten from 8:30-noon, then Student-Teacher-Parent Meetings in the afternoon
- Monday, September 13 - First Full Day for Kindergarten
In the next few days, I will share with you two things to sign-up for:
- Student-Teacher-Parent Meetings (will show up on ClassTag as “Conferences”)
- Sign-up either directly on ClassTag (easiest) or by messaging/emailing/calling Mrs. Trump
- Available times will range from mornings to late afternoons
- Snacks
- You will be asked to sign-up for a full week of bringing snacks to class
- Please bring enough snacks for each student for 5 days (currently we are up to approximately 15 students)
- Snacks must be prepackaged
- Sign-ups will be live the week school begins. You can either sign-up directly on ClassTag or you can sign-up when you come in for your meeting.
- Great snack options are:
- A box of cereal
- Fruit snacks
- Carrots
- Cheese sticks
- Go-Gurts
- Pretzels
- Goldfish crackers
- Cheez-Its
- Crackers and peanut butter
Thank you so much for entrusting your littles to me for this coming school year! Basically, Kindergarten ROCKS!
Mrs. Trump