- Secondary School SBAC test schedule – please help us to encourage students to be in attendance during these dates:
April 15-April 19 6th Grade (ELA and Math)
April 22-April 26 7th Grade (ELA and Math)
April 29-May3 8th Grade (ELA and Math)
May 6 -May 7 8th Grade (Science)
May 13-May 14 10th grade (ELA)
May 15 – May 16 10th and/or 11th grade students that are just completing Algebra II
May 20-May 21 11th grade (Science – state required for all 11th grade students)
- Testing will begin at 9:00 a.m. each test day and stop at 11:30 each test day. The tests are computer generated and can be paused without losing data.
- Snacks/water will be provided each day.
Location: PH and WHS computer labs